With the first step into the labyrinth, we embark on a journey filled with magic and mystery. Each winding turn holds the promise of discovery, inviting us to delve deeper into a state of liminality and benevolent trust. Within the safety of its ancient path, the labyrinth offers a space for reflection, hope, and the unfolding of endless possibilities.

  • Option 1. Finding Presence: Exploring the Labyrinth Through Nature

  • Option 2. Journey Within: Exploring The Labyrinth Through Healing Arts

  • Option 3. Canvas Making Workshop

  • Option 4. Community Presentation

    60 Minute

  • Option 5. Customized Content Workshop

All workshops listed are Veriditas-approved and accredited, fulfilling the prerequisite requirement for Facilitator Training. Contact us if you are interested in a workshop in your community.

For more labyrinth information check out Veriditas at or The Labyrinth Society at

And to find a labyrinth near you, check out the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator at